2001-03-08 | 05:09:15

Why is it that shit happens? I mean seriously? Why is it that when just when you think things are going well you are suddenly picked up and thrown at the dogs? And you know what? If it was me I think I could handle it being that I've been handling it for a while now. But when it happens to someone who is so fucking cool. Well I think it's disgraceful. I think it's wrong. And I think that all the people that made this stupidity possible should be put in a line and bitch slapped at the same time - hard.

And as I write this I hope to god this DIVA knows how wonderful she really is and how fast sweetness will happenen to her and she won't even remember this when she's rich and famous and having everything she wants at her fingertips. So ha! to them. that's what I'm thinking. Ha! And they are the one's loseing out big time here, because this dame - she's more than that. She's ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!

Now that I've said my bit and even offeref to throw a few cherry bombs at some appropriate toilet bowels I will stepp of my soapbox and put it away.

So I went on a few interviews today. 2 with agency's and the other with a job job. Nothing spectacular if you ask me. One was a clear watse of my time. But it had to be done and so there you go. But I have no fear. By the end of this month I will have a kick ass job. It will happen. And all I need to do is keep on telling myself that. Because IT WILL happen. I suppose by thinking good thoughts I can only hope to bring around some good karma - I certainly deserve it.

After the job hunt escapade I walked around a lot. So much so that my feet hurt. But it was good to do just that. Good to look into shop windows and look at people and wonder how amazing this city really is. I ended up inside a Barnes and Nobles amusing myself as I walked through the aisle of all the dorky X File books. I fingered the title's of some of my favourite children's books and I think I even stopped at one point, yes indeed I did. Something caught my eye and as usual it was 'Boy' by Roald Dahl. I love that book more than I can really say. It's a great part of my childhood and something I can never put down no matter how many times I read it. After flipping through some magazines I grabbed a iced mocha and walked around some more. Ended up infront of Old Navy where I also looked around and came away with 2 pj pants and a pair of jeans. They looked so cute and they were so cheap pricewise that I had to get them. Plus the jeans were also on sale and that's always a good thing. So I came home with a smile, tired feet and 3 items of clothes that will be worn a hella lot.

Apart from what happened to my friend today everything else went ok. I wish I could finally get a job but I'm starting to think that it won't be long before I eventually do get something. After all I am marketable. I have lots of personality and passion and that's what counts. That and the fact that I am a workaholic. But that's fine. That's what's going to land me a wonderful job.


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