2002-10-16 | 9:29 p.m.

I have been slacking on my diaryland. Not because I just don't want to come on here but it's really the same shit and just on a different day. I updated my cam so if you're interested go look at the link on the right. I'm too lazy to actually link it on here.

Today's weather didn't help my mood or my cramps in the least. I woke up late and hauled ass over to work only to arrive wet and hungry. Clearly skipping breakfast to come to work on time isn't a good idea. Next time I'll just come in late. My stomach growled all morning which is really so seductive when you're working with other people within earshot. I am classy. Oh yeah, envy me.

I walked home in the rain since I wanted to check out Ricky's on 5th Avenue for Halloween stuff. I looked around and didn't find anything that appeased me in any way. I'm going to scrounge through my closet and pull some shit together. I have 15 days to create the 'Anne Rice Vampire' look needed for the Jackie 60 party. Here's hoping I do indeed pull it off. If anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate it. Please note I am on a strict budget so it's not like I can drop a fifty on something without going into panic mode. So yeah, if anyone has any bright ideas please hook me up with them since I'm completely ignorant in that department.

At home now and trying to relax which is slightly impossible since my uterus is doing the 'fuck you hoana dance' to a Latin beat. I'm so ready to end my surfing trip on the crimson wave. Just a few more days and I'll go back to regular old mail and not depressed/emotional/bitchy Joana who cries/whines/bitches at the drop of a hat. Trust me the novelty of being a woman and being able to give birth has so worn off already since Aunt Flo keeps knocking at my door every friggen month. I'd pay to see a guy go through the same shit we as women have to. You can bet your ass that we'd have National Aunt Flo week for sure. It would be every month and they would be babies for one whole damn week. I'm babbling about periods. You know what this means, it's time for me to go.


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