2000-03-18 | 01:27:43

This is my life laid out for everyone to see. I don't know why I am doing this now, perhaps it's because I'm older and wiser - or per chance - I'm just older and foolish. Either way I feel like it's the right time to begin.

I chronicle my day's in a paper journal but I figuered it was about time for me to move on up and channel into the web world that is free for all. I feel like I'm falling for some odd reason, and yet it seems perfect. That I should begin when questions overflowing my little head. When paper has become a cell and freedom at the same time. So I begin, because I know these little steps now will make the leaps possible later.

So it all starts here and now. With nothing but my fingers pounding on my keyboard extracting words running around madly in my head. What a wild ride this will be...

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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