2000-03-24 | 10:48:50

I am finaly here in Buenos Aires. Yey for me. Of course the flight was hell. I was sitting in between a mamma and her crying baby and a man who knows no knowledge of the word and usage of DEODERANT!

But I will not go there, the story still seems to raw on my nerves at the moment.

The embassy is huge. It looks as if it is this friggen palace. Of course this only makes me feel decadent and princess like, which I am pretty sure it will wear off at night when it comes to the point that I get lost on my way to the bathroom or back from it. Knowing me, I will probably just give up on trying to find my room again and just sleep inside the bathtub. Yes I am THAT lazy folks!

But apart from that not much to tell. Everything is still pretty new here for me, I am pretty sure that within the next day or two I will get a good luck at Buenos Aires life. For the current time though all I want is a soak in a bath and a nap. Both of which I will be getting now.

So adios for now...

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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