2000-03-31 | 00:24:33

Well its come to this...the end of my spring break.

I have to admit that I have enjoyed my time in Buenos Aires. Visiting my uncle and weird aunt has been quite refreshing. Its amazing what a few days away from your normal routine can do for a girl. I feel like I'm coming back home with another mentality, leaving some old bagagge here because quite frankly its about time I did so.

The only thing I fear is the flight back. 12 hours is far too long for me to be in a plane, especially when I never sleep and never eat right. But then again I can blame that on airline flood. I've been flying since I was a baby and the food still hasn't improved. You'd think it would, but apparently airline's don't give a flying fuck as to what their customers will consume while they are on their plane's. I'll make sure to grab a bite to eat before I leave, and probably get some candy and other junk I can munch on before 12 hours of hell.

What's odd is that I thought I would hate coming back to the city, but unexpectadly I am actually anticipating it. Nothing like being in the comfort of your own things. I also have to admit that I miss my family and friends. I guess the old addage is true, distance does make the heart grow fonder. Of course by the time Tuesday or Wednesday hits I'll probably be bitching and moaning again, but for now I miss NYC.

I can also honestly say that I did as much as I could in Buenos Aires. I visited sights, I shopped, I met interesting people, saw a play, had incredible moments with my aunt & uncle, shopped some more, bought presents for the people back in the big apple, and hell even had time to highlight my whole head. Basically a good time had.

And now, now I have to go and try to find a way to pack up all my shit so that later on in the night tomorrow I can leave on a jet plane. What an amazing experience this break has been...

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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