2000-04-22 | 20:01:56

Working 9 to 5, what a way to make a living...

No I'm kidding it's a sucky way to make a living. It's just that I have been working hardcore blast this week and I feel like what with school full time (plus the added bonus of a few tests and papers) and work full time at night I haven't had much sleep.

Much....how about any? Hi! could I possibly get at least 4 to 5 good hours of sleep without being awoken by something stupid??

I worked all day today and now that I'm home I want nothing to do other than take a shower, listen to some groovy tunes and then eat some good chow and snooze. And catch some SNL later on. But is that going to happen? NO! And you wanna know why? Because apparently I'm such a friggen social butterfly I have to spread my wings again tonight and cut the cheese. It won't matter that I haven't had a decent night's sleep at all. Just that I attend this function with Babydoll (no her name isn't Babydoll but it is being coded now so I don't get my tubby ass fried by her pretty little hands later.)

I'm complaining again. I know. And I really shouldn't because she's a sweetheart and she is making the best effort she can so that I have a great night. And I know the reason why. Ever since the EX decided to turn psycho on me she has become the big sister, except I am older than she is. Oh well. Still her intentions are good, so I refuse to bitch about it knowing that she is doing this for me because she cares and loves me. And what's not to love? *chuckles*

Next week is another week of endless fun and games. I'll be going out at night on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. The first 3 days because of people from work, the last because Babydoll is taking me somewhere supposedly "enigmatic". Who knows?! Still should be an interesting week since I'll be getting paid and thanks to my endless hours this week my paycheck will be slamming.

I asked E why we were friends today and as usual he replied in tune to his character. Part serious, part comical. I can't fault him for it though. Because I think that's what attracted me to him in the beginning. Well not attracted in that way, it's just that sometimes I feel the need to classify things into jars and well usually he has this ability to become the bull in the china shop and trash all the jars at once. Ergo making me understand that not everything is black and white but grey and pink and every color of the damn rainbow. Of course he can have his moments but then again so can anyone else. Still the man is a good force not to be contended with. I'm glad his punk ass is around. :P

I should be in sudsville right now and yet what am I doing? I'm watching telly and viewing another rerun of the DIVA 2000 show. I hadn't seen it when it was first on telly since, well I was at work. But I have to admit it's entertaining. Although I feel the need to say that Mariah Carey is turning ho-ish. What is this need to expose almost every body part? If her dress had been any shorter the world could have been her gyncologist. I mean she has a pretty voice and thanks to the miracle's of a boob job she has a good rack and body - but still, hello, learn to be a little stylish and not a lot ho-ish - COME ON NOW!

But I'm off. I want to look decent and be ready by the time Babydoll comes to pick me up. Last time I was running late and she was pissing and moaning up a storm so this time I want to be ready by the time her glamourpuss ass comes here.

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