2000-04-23 | 14:19:14


1. I really don't need sleep this weekend at all.

2. The Easter Bunny can suck my ass.

3. I haven't had the chance to actually relax at all, I'm wondering if I ever will.

4. Chocolate is heaven sent and whom ever decides to touch my easter stash will just die a painful death.

5. Why don't certain people get the point? Can they not stay away? Do they understand what NO means?

6. Fell in love again with my old school Madonna CD selection's.

7. I need to watch 'Return to Me', yes I know it will be chees-o but I need my fix of David Duchovny and that pouty mouth of his.

8. X Files on tonight, but it's a rerun. Can't wait to see the 'Hollywood AD' episode.

9. I want my paycheck TODAY! Lack of funds means Joana can't do anything outside at all today - like go see a movie.

10. I have to decide on what I want to present for my next speech in class. I know I want to do some sort of serial killer. Last year I did this presentation for the black dahlia killer and that was awesome. So I want to go into that type of direction. Maybe one of the very few female serial killers? Who knows.

11. Remind Babydoll never to say yes to a challenge. Last night she was too fucked up to do exactly what she just did. And so another night of taking care of her ensued.

12. I need to make sure to email her and see what's up for Monday and how we are going to make my video thing for the other presentation.

13. I have to mail out those 2 cards. I promised that I would. I just don't seem to find the time to walk to the post office yet. I know I suck.

14. I have to make the mixed tape. I promised a certain someone I would and yet my tubby ass hasn't had the chance either. But then I have to prove my point that making a mix tape is a hard thing to do. It's just not throwing songs together. It has to be a well thought out floor plan of songs. What goes with what. It's just not throwing them together!

15. I need to get blank minidiscs. I want to make some discs for myself. All my stuff is old and even so I don't want to just delete them and record over them all. I want the Hello Kitty mini discs. You can only get them in Japan and they cost a bundle. Except they are so glittery and cute!

16. I want to highlight my hair more. I want to go blonder, become a glamourpuss and walk around in shades and think I'm god's gift to men. *chuckles*

17. Saw a rerun of SNL on the comedy channel and now I REALLY hate the phrase 'simmer down now'. I swear if I hear it when I come in again to work - well he's a dead man.

18. One of my glitter crayons broke. (Sob!) It's okay, I'll live though. I just want that big box with like 64 crayons in it. Of course I want them all to be glitter crayons. I wonder if that exsists or not?!

19. Must remind myself that just because I have X File figuerines does not make it right that I put them in horrid sexual positions. Poor figuerines have been tainted with my gutter thoughts.

20. Shit the doorbell just rang and I have to go and play nice with the other people. This blows.

I'm telling you. This whole Easter thing just BLOWS!

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