2000-08-06 | 21:40:10

Saturday was quite a night. I went out again and I only came home when the sky was nice and bright. I'm sure I pissed of the parental units but it was fun and I like to dance and have a good time and I actually did. And without any libations thank you very much. I told myself that I shouldn't and I didn't and I was a very good kid because I really didn't at all.

You know what's odd? Yesterday after going out we went to breakfast and I have no problem with that it's just that when I looked across the table I was expecting to see A & E and it was completely different because it wasn't them. Not to say that I didn't have a good time but it was weird because it was defiitely something I know they would love to have been doing and yet it was with a whole different set of people. It had to happen I guess. New people, new times. But I'm sure as hell not givign them up. I like hanging out with them and I'mg oing ot fit them into my schedule no matter what.

Made another tape. I like making them now. It's a heavy process and no one really understands the true art of making a tape but when it's done right it just fucking flows and this tape just really flows. It's smooth. I know the person I'm giving it to will really dig it. I know I would. It's a mix of all of my favourite songs as I had promised this person before. But it just really flows, it's very impressive.

I woke up so late today. I was up after 4pm. And now I know I'm going to be up late and I don't want that because I'm starting my new job at 9am Monday morning and that is so gonna suck if I feel like ass. So I have to get into bed at like 9 and be asleep like at 10 and if not I will just smack myself over the head with a heavy and blunt object so that I can knock msyelf out. I need to be sure that I'm asleep early so I can wake up early and feel okay. Plus I'm going to be working at night also at the old job since its my last week before I go so I need all the rest I can get.

On a silly note the powder puff girls are damn cool. I've been watching their cartoons and I'm a little hooked. It's scary if you ask me but right now I'm denying it to others who might think I like them. *lol* But I'm spreading the word now, they are cool little fuckers.

Over and out.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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