2000-08-10 | 00:29:32

Updating at work...that's the shit.

So the times are a changing and things hace started moving about once again. As usual. Nothing stays the fucking same anymore which is annoying as hell if you ask me. I'm ready to stop the car so to speak and just nab the spot I was offered and stay and hibernate but apparently that's too much to ask for and I have to wander into strange corners.

I got the opportunity to hang back from the new job until the end of this week, which is a blessing. I can't handle the 2 job crap. So come Monday I start the new gig and even though I'm working in a better environment I still think its boring as hell. I know it will be some time before I get used to it as I did with the previous job in Dante's Inferno, but still somehow Dante's Inferno is starting to look like strawberries and chocolate compared to boring yuppiedom.

I'll survive, just like the song.

I've been chatting with a nice guy as of late and its amazing what little words I get that just make me smile. He makes me laugh and smile and thats important. Maybe the most important thing.

But its time to go, work is restarting and I can't play online all night.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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