2000-09-19 | 04:29:02

Tongiht's gonna be a list of schtuff...

1. Bought a black corset - couldn't help myself, fell in love with it the moment I laid eyes on it.

2. Must get another pair of fishnets if I go to this party. The one's I do have have ripped. And while I can still pretty much use them for Halloween I want a new pair with seams at the back so I can play pin up dream queen fantasies.

3. Must call her tomorrow to check if she is making an appearance. If so I have to find out what time she's going. I'm not sure if they are going but if she goes for sure screw them and I'll go for sure with her.

4. I love using baby products because they make me smell like babies.

5. Just because I have some extra money now doesn't mean I should spend it.

6. I will get the new Madonna CD tomorrow if it kills me.

7. Craving chinese steamed vegetable dumpligs - I'm a foodie dork.

8. I have to start thinking about Halloween and costumes.

9. Tomorrow its supposed to rain - snark!

10. Make sure to damn the man.

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