2000-09-19 | 23:03:05

Damn the rain. I got soaked coming back home from work. Oh yeah nothing like having your dress pants stick to your legs as you try and walk through the water clogged streets of NYC. And people are so rude. I mean seriously talk about pushing and shoving while they hold their umbrella's. I almost had my eye pocked out there for a moment.

I am so thankful to be home right now. All I want to do is take a long hot bubble bath and fall into bed and sleep forever. Tomorrow I have something very important to attend to and I hope that things will turn out well and I will be able to charm my way into this so that I can actually feel special about this. I'm hoping my paranoia won't show through and that things will actually just go smoothly. I'm thinking they will but I won't talk about it so I don't jinx anything.

I'm wondering if I'm just this big dork for actually wanting to go see that 'Urban Legend' movie that's going to be coming out soon. I mean yes I know its cheesy, and yes some of my friends have made fun of me just because I want to - but then again it looks so fabulously cheesy that I have to go see it. I'm sure I'll be able to drag someone to go see it with me. Just who to torture is the predicament now...


I think I'm coming down with a cold. Everytime I move my head I get woozy. This is not good. I don't feel like dealing with snot and light headedness at all. I'm hoping this is just me feeling cranky today and not something else.

And to top this all of today I managed to get the new Madonna cd. I haven't heard it all yet but I have to say that no matter what this chickadee does I still groove to it. And that's that.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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