2000-11-15 | 03:04:06


So today was a flurry of appointments and schedules and good god I don't want to do that ever again. Especially not in this drizzly, rainy weather. And lemme just say the weather today was CRAPOLA. Oh yeah, I love walking around in girie shoes when I have to jump over huge pools left on the side of the street by the damn rain, or having splatters of nasty water hit me because of some big fat truck and my legs, are of course, covered by pantyhose and only that.


So yeah, no way will I do that crap again. I think my cold got worse but at least I think some winds shifted for me and things might pop up. And I'm hoping something I went to really lets me come in from the cold because good god its everything I've ever wanted. So yey for me.

Angelina Jolie is on the cover of the new 'premiere' magazine. I have yet to pick it up yet but I plan on doing so tomorrow. The stare that she's giving to the camera is just enthralling and once again she looks like the sex goddess that she is. 'Huzzah' for her because she is just amazingly talented and powerful and beautiful. (No really I won't babble about her anymore that I do.) I actually want to pick up a couple of other magazines so I must do that tomorrow during my lunch hour.

I really need to start organizing my bags more. I find too much crap in them and frankly it looks odd. You know I always feel like I'm carrying too much crap. I wish they had this like, list of top 10 things you should keep in your bag with you at like all times and the rest you can just toss. Life would be easier. Of course I am also a bit of a pack rat so technically its my fault also. But still. It would be easier. But I will try to actually achieve some semblance of normal within my bag. If I don't it will just overflow with crappola. So it must be done soon. that and clean up my wallet. Far too many photos and crap that I just don't need. So yeah those are 2 things I definitely need to do sometime this week. That and actually sleep.(Yeah I wish).

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