2001-01-09 | 16:37:01

What is it with people thinking I'm a lesbian?

Not that there's anything wrong with being one, but c'mon I can respect and find the beauty in both a female and male body. Is it my fault that I think Angelina Jolie is hot? Is it my fault that I'd kill to have Madonna's body with her perfect tits and arms and Jessica Alba's mouth? No. I can respect and view the female body and I'll be damned if I have to shut up about it because certain people around me think it's strange. I don't know what their problem is. All I know is that it's not mine. Besides I think David Duchovny is just as hot with his pouty mouth and puppy dog eyes, and let me not even start on the smutty thoughts about Ryan Phillipe's ass, or the fact that I'd hump on Rupert Everett's or Jude Law's leg, ever so unatractively.

It's only Tuesday. I wish it were Friday already. I want to sleep and relax and rest and make sure I really do get it instead of faking it. Because I haven't had a decent night's sleep in a while and it needs to be had. Because my body is burning up on fuel it doesn't have anymore. Because if I don't stop soon my body will stop without giving me a chance to say when. So let's hope I make it through this week with some level of lucidity.

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