2001-01-16 | 14:27:57

Its been a strange couple of days and I haven't had nearly as much time as I wish I could to actually update. I feel like a total slacker but I've been doing stuff so I guess by doing stuff I've kept myself busy thus not allowing me ample time to update. Which means...I may not be a total slacker to begin with.

I can't even begin to explain whats been going on. Let's just say I've been doing a lot of thinking and a few too many revelations have come up like bubbles being popped with tiny children's fingers. Things that seemed so sweet and dandy are not as peachy anymore. And I am growing up and learning. And learning fast.

This weekend was hazy. Hazy in that mix of stuff said, bodies moving in dim lights, libations, loud music pumping and thoughts wandering about aimlessly. I'm hoping things might become more restructured now. Now that the fog has lifted I'm hoping that I can start seeing straight and working towards my goals.

God I sound like one of those cheesy infomercials. Whatever. Just as long as it works for me.

And now I have to merge myself back to the land of the living and try to work. Or at least fake it. *lol* I loved having a long weekend but it only makes me wish that weeks came in 3 day packages. Working till Friday will kill me this week. For sure. But I'll take it with my chin held up high and with aspirations of sugar plum pixie men in my head.

And damn Ally McBeal yesterday for making Robert Downey Jr. so damn cute. He loves her...urgh...they need a reality check. He's just too damn good. Of course I would kill for a man like that but thats beyond the point.


p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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