2001-03-16 | 22:01:41

Nothing like going to a place where you know your going to dance your ass off and not get any attention. Last night was one of those nights. I met up with Kwazyboy at the old gig. Was supposed to meet up the glam queen but she only called after I left Escuelita's. And there was no way I was hauling ass over to her pad when I knew I had to have the much needed sleep. Besides by the time I got home, showered and flopped into bed it was like 5am. And you know a girl has to sleep!

But it was a grand night. Really. It's funny I thought it would be odd if I ended up just flying solo with Kwazyboy but it wasn't that strange to begin with. Our friendship has so many levels and I think I forgot that. So there was no pain in chugging back drinks and then dancing our collective ass's off at Escuelita's. And it's amazing how little the world is because I met this guy I used to work with at the Gap back in the day. And I am talking WAY back in the day. I think I might have even danced with him while the other kwazy partner was girating with some boys. *lol* It was just a great night. Granted now I am even more strapped for cash and I won't be going out to the Saint Paddy's party that Riot718 is getting together, but let's face it - last night was so worth it. I mean where else could you dance like crazy, watch a drag queen show, dance some more, drink a little and then end up leaving the place completley wet. And no not in the guttermind way you're all thinking of. I literally felt like I had taken a shower with my clothes on when I left. Hair was completely drenched and my clothes stuck to me. But hey that defines a good night. A night where you simply didn't care apart from the fact that all you had to dance till your feet gave in.

And then I came home. Took a shower and flopped into bed. This morning I finally made the decision. I am now going to work at the Pilates place. I figuere while I'm there I might as well get in shape. What's good for my pocket is also good for the mind/body/soul. I have to get more into shape. I don't want my fatass overflowing anymore than it is. So I called them this morning and told the other party that I had accepted the first offer. I called the lovely woman at the Pilates place and said I would love to join her and she was apparently ever so happy and kept repeating that to me. Hey it's all good. So now I am going to be working near Union Square and hey who knows I may even become healthier. *lol* But I'm happy because this means that a paycheck will be coming in again and that I will be able to go on the Vegas trip and basically all is right within my world again. Yes how little it takes I know.

I took photo's last night but because I'm such a crackwhore with no money I am going ot have to wait on those before I develop them. Sucks but when I do a new set of party pics will be on their way up to the party zone. If anyone wants to see them quicker I accept donations! *lol*

Today has just been about sleeping and feeling good about myself. I kept waking up and going back to sleep all during the day and I think I only really really got up was at about 2:30. But that's ok because starting Monday it's 9 to 5 baby, 9 to 5!

My throat is all scratchy and sore. Of course I screamed a lot last night. You know yells of encouragement for the drag queen show and all. My head is kinda hurting also. But that is the price to pay for an amazing night.

This weekend will have to be all about cleanign my room. Rearranging stuff that is on one shelf because now I have shelf space above my desk since I had it created by my lovely dad who put it up for me. So now I have to basically throw shit out and rearrange it on these spaces that I have now. It's a bit of tediosu work but I think once it's all done it will look much better and a hell of a lot more organized. Besides I can finally put stuff together. You know books with books. Video's with video's and Magazine's and all that other hoopla. Plus I have various little other things that will have to be added here and there. Like my X File figuerine's. The ladybug stuff that Kwazyboy gave me, the lunchbox. You know the usual. *lol*

So that's my weekend for you. cleaning up and organizing. And on the high holy day of drinking I doubt I will be able to go out because of the fact I'm strapped for cash and that just really sucks. I guess it's ok though. If I went out on Saturday night I would probably drink a lot thus only making me feel disgusting on Sunday so maybe that's a good thing. Or maybe I am just trying to justify the fact that I can't go out that night. Who knows?!

But that's it for now. I'm happy. I finally have a job. And Thursday night was a fucking blast!

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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