2001-04-05 | 9:03 p.m.

1. I got my hair cut. If I wore black and red and jiggled back and forth people would mistake me for Shamu the whale. I'm not kidding - the worst haircut of my life! Add to the fact that I look like a boy and a pansy assed boy to top it all off!

2. I got a pedicure & manicure. Now I have pretty red toes and red nails. This makes me feel infinetly better. Especially since I feel like some sort of old fashioned movie star because of said red nail polish.

3. I keep listening to Stephen Malkmus's cd. I love it. I really do. It's like the perfect cd for me right now. Seriously. I'm hooked line and sinker for this baby. I love it. Plus the man is hot - so you know that helps.

4. Coming home from work I went into that big music store at Union Square that I always forget the name of and I ended up walking out with the

Charlie's Angels DVD. Yes I know this movie was cheesy to many people, but I simply loved it when I first saw it. So I thought why not actually buy it instead of pining away at it for weeks or months then eventually buying it? Plus it was on sale so I thought I couldn't beat those odds and off I left with my purchase. It will soon be watched, probably this weekend.

5. I have to remember to bring clothes in tomorrow to work. So that when I change into them after work I can just head off to meet the wonderful Riot718 whereLouie will do our make up. Because we are absolutely fabulous and we dress for success.

6. I need to also remember to bring some music to work. I got really tired of the only CD I brought in today. I need to mix and match so I'm thining I'm just going ot keep a selection of CD's in my desk drawer. You know so that whenever the mood hit's I can dig in and come up with something good to listen to.

That's it for now. I need to get everything ready for tomorrow so I can take a bubble bath and hit the sack. I'm tired and I have way too much schtuff to do before my head hits the pillow.


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