2001-04-20 | 4:12 p.m.

It's Friday. Dare I mention Disco Friday? (Yes the ladies have taught me well). Especially since I pumped up Disco music in my office space all day. No doubt I will be making preachers of Disco Friday anyday now.

So another week has gone by. I treasure my weekends. They mean going out at night, coming back at the early hours of the morning and sleeping in. Ahh the simple joys of life.

So last wednesday I go meet the ladies in Brooklyn. Riot landed a beautiful job, because you see, she is smashing so she should get the best job possible. So happy for her and so very proud of her too. She took a kick in the pants but still kept on running even though her pockets may have seemed heavy at times. So we had drinks at a local spot where eventually everyone started dropping off. I stayed till the end because Kwazyboy said he would meet me up for a final drink. We did. It was nice. As usual.

Thursday came and left easily. Instead of having lunch I went for a mini shopping trip. Got 2 dresses. Both cute. But both can be sexed up with the use of my trusty sex bra so I'm happy about those purchases. I got myself a butterfly to pin on my wall at work also. It's made of mesh and so pretty. That and my smile on a stick. Because you know we can always use a smile when there is none.

And now my Friday night is aboutto begin. Supposedly I'm going to party. And have drinks. And maybe even look at men dancing and singing in drag. Not sure yet. All depends where the winds take me. That and if it doesn't rain. Because there is no way in hell I'm walking my pretty shoes out in the rain...well maybe for a martini, but just one, I assure you.

Saturday should be interesting since I'm going to an American BBQ. Since I'm a BBQ virgin things should be amusing to see. Partygirl states that there will be a keg of some sort, because you know the girl can bring on a party. And truthfully I'm happy to go and share in the love that I know everyone will bring.

How cheesy of me to state and think, much?!?!

Anyways that's it for now.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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