2001-05-11 | 10:48 a.m.

I am the girl interrupted, so to speak.

Coming into work today with a bit of a hangover. Pounding in my head. A little queesy butterfly in my tummy. Sun shining brightly as I meekly tiptoed into the office. Wanting nothing but the solace of my own bed and cool, clean, crisp air conditioning. Thought about staying home and burrowing under my comforter and merrily dozing away. Realized it's disco Friday and there was no way in hell that I could sleep through it. So I got up.

At work now. Nice bosslady is away all day today in meetings. Wish I could just leave now, but I have lists of things that need to be done. I have to find a way to fix the damn postage machine because something got stuck in there. I have to make sure that I keep myself awake and at a steady pace. I'm running this shitshow till Tuesday, since bosslady is only coming back Tuesday. I keep thinking I'm working too hard or not getting enough work. I get lists of things to do and I whizz right through them. Take 30 minutes ago. I've finished one list already, working on the other one after this. Busy bee, that's me.

Head wants to function but is engulfed in fog. There are brief moments of clarity where I think I know what I should do but then I realize I have no clue what so ever so I emerge myself back in the fog. Woke up this morning with the clear distinction that luggage is luggage. You think it can be Louis Vuitton but it ain't. It's Kmart and it's on the damn blue light special as Partygirl say's. And truthfully I knew this. I knew that at one point in time splits would occur in the seams and threads would unravel. I'm amazed at how tight it's held for this long.

Weekend promises to be calming. Mothers day around the corner. Mothers day present secretly stashed so that come that mothers day morning I can presentit to my mom with a grin on my face. It's what she's wanted although she won't mention it so I'm glad I was thoughtful enough to get them for her. We celebrated our mom's at chicks night. We all told stories we remembered. I told my favourite one. The one that till this day I can't remember ever doing.

Apparently as a young child, very young, and living in a huge apartment complex in Rome I did a few things. One of the most well known throughout the complex was this little story.

There was a really old woman who never spoke to anyone in that complex. Was always looking like she could bite someone's head off. Used to curse under her breath and basically way strange to every person who tried to be nice to her. While coming into the apartment building one time apparently they managed to wait for the elevator together. This old lady turns around and looks my mother up and down and say's"oh your the one". My mother has no clue what's going on so as soon as she see's her other friend who was a neighbor she brought the conversation up. Her friend laughing admitted something to my mom that till this day I just can't remember. Apparently I used to knock on the doors of pretty much everyone's apartment and as soon as they opened I went into this huge dramatic monologue on how my mother never fed me and if I could get a bowl of pasta. And I used to get it from everyone and then I'd come home and eat dinner. And I'm not talking 2 or 3 bowls. I'm talking 9 or more. Lord knows I thought of that at that age and how I could eat that much. But that's how the old lady came to talk to my mother. And I now know that when my mother found out she didn't know if she should be embarrassed or if she should just laugh. The latter won out and till this day she tells the story and laughs. Granted I have to admit I was very smart for that age. Smart or mischievious. Not sure which.

I've rambled and I'm throwing tangents all over the place. It's time for me to go back to work also, but do I care? Hell no!

No I do, I should get back...so, ummm, later?!

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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