2001-08-08 | 7:10 p.m.

I don't have beef with anyone or anything anymore. I don't care enough to let it stress me. I find that to be the mantra to my life right now. If I needed a mantra that is. It's all over and right now. I stand before the endless seas, and mountains, and lands. It's silly to fog up my vision with things people say or do or think. It's even sillier to cloud up my views with what fate might have placed in front of me.

I don't mind what comes along because whenever a door closes a window opens. Or so my grandma and mom always say. So I'm going to say what I'm going to say. I'm going to think what I'm going to think and I'm going to be the way I am now. Happy. And in this oppressing NYC heat I am still happy. And I don't know how to explain it to anyone. I don't know what my future brings but I do know what's over. The crap. The stress. The hassle. It's all over now.

This week keeps me shuffling new things to do at work. Projects that need to be finished by the time boss lady gets back in and projects just handed to me like I don't have anything better to do - which I do. (You know like...finish my other projects?) And people call and bother me with tiresome little questions and just truthfully today is just a day that although I'm happy with myself, I am just tired after everything. A hard day at work is what my mom calls it. Except it wasn't hard, it was just wearisome. And yeah I did it all with a smile to brighten up my day but now, I'm tired. And I really need to get some sleep but sleep doesn't come to me.

One of those days...

I need to buy my dad's birthday present next week. His birthday is coming up and I need to find him something good. I know what he likes but I don't know what he needs. Looks like I need to turn into Miss Marple again and find out the 411. It'll be easy though. Either I'll go to my mom or just subtly talk to him. Because sometimes he's just as oblivious as I am so it's not like he'll see it coming.

The week is drawing to a close and thankfully, I will soon be able to retire for a good long nap in the morning when my weekend hits. I might be going out Friday night. A's sister is in town before she goes about on her paid vacation (A still doesn't know how she managed that, her boss just told her). Therefore, I might prowl the nights with them since I was invited for cocktails. All depends on how I'm feeling the night. Lately I just want to sleep. Then again I never say no to cocktails.

On another news, DADDY is opening come September 6th. I am definitely going to party there on opening night. I used to go to Mother a lot with A & E and then later with a few other kinky people and I always enjoyed my night out. Now that DADDY is opening I will be sure to get my ass over there to dance, drink, and enjoy the crowd. Because it is an interesting crowd. So that should be fun to. I think I might even think about an outfit now so when I go I can funk it up big time. Ladiebug has burning man; I have DADDY - oh how the world turns! (Although trust me girl, I am definitely doing burning man with you next time around. I'll prepare myself for the ride of my life I know.)

Thinking about glitter I have to buy my Stila Glitter that is gone. Well technically not gone more like finished because I was a greedy little pixie and I used it all the time. Then again it is glitter and when isn't glitter a good thing? C'mon now! So I need to stop at Sephora soon and pick some more up. Hopefully it won't be gone because it is a summer product and I know how Stila is. If not then I'm going to have to find some other glittery product that will make me feel all pixie-like. Such is life, such is mango after all.

(I really need to stop watching old SNL's. My obsession with Chris Kattan is way obvious by now.)

Oh and before I go I'm sending out a big old shout out to my dear because your new layout looks bitchin honey! Clearly Ravenglitter owns a princess fairy wand because she worked some beautiful magic on your template. And yeah you don't need the eye candy because your true like that, but still it looks bitchin honey.

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