2001-08-09 | 9:00 p.m.

Pardon me did I sign up for the "Hot as Balls Tour of New York City?"

Ah...yes...that's right, I didn't. So what the hell is up with these damn NYC weather gods? Yes I know I said I'm happy, and I am. But dear lord I'd like to be happy and cool and not unhappy and melting. What the hell?!

And so I've been finding useful ways to stay cool. Like taking cold showers more than once, sitting right next to my air conditioner, putting my bra in the freezer (yes be warned this may cause nippleitus but its delicious when your waiting on a stuffy, hot NYC subway platform), and also keeping my hair wet. It helps. My head gets very hot and I am the first one to suffer from heat exhaustion. When I was younger I'd just keep going until I keeled over from all the heat. So this time around I'm prepared. Drinking lots of water, keeping as cool as possible. Yep all the bases are covered in this big sauna known as NYC.

I am going to check out prices for LA this weekend. I'm done waiting around for an answer to find out if the job is paying the trip or not. Today I came to find out that there might be a chance that I will have to pay if I go and if I do go without the company I might have to stop by. I'm like - whaaa??? Pulleze! If I do go it will be to party and I don't intend to spend a portion of my weekend working if I'm not getting the money for it. So this weekend I am looking into prices and finding out the cheapest way to visit girlie girl and others, because it's about time I go to the west syde and hang out with my peeps over there. Because there are many and boy do they know how to party.

One more day before I stop flying solo on the working wheel express. I fully recognize the amount of work she does but put mine along with a few others together and this makes for a crazy jo jo and she's dying to stop, sit down, and down a caipirinha. Because you know I think I need it. Of course this sucks because I am low on cash and I need some more before I even think about going out. I might hit my mom or brother up for cash because I really think I deserve my Friday night out. I've heard it will rain, if it doesn't maybe I can start cajoling the weather gods by the bar of the place we go to or even offer them a drink if the weather cools down?!

You know the only pro to this disgusting heat is that I get to wear flip flops. And I don't mean any thin regular old flip flops. I mean my uber-flip flops. The chunky blue ones. They not only make me taller but are incredibly comfy. Plus I can show off my cute pedicure and that's always a bonus.

I'm too hot right now. I can't think let alone type. I'm gonna go play near the air conditioner unit that is breathing in semi cold air (as much as someone blowing on me would do.) So I'm gone, too tired, too hot, too cranky right now. Besides this girl needs some cold bathtime fun.

I'm out...

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