2001-08-30 | 12:10 a.m.

I'm not as cool a kid as I thought I would be. Going into work today was not so fun. I had a bitch of a headache all day. Me thinks I might have drunk too many caipirinhas. But my point being is that I used to be able to chug back those babies. I actually pretty much did all night. And I know I didn't feel them then. Hell I was coherent coming home in the cab with the other cab bitch. But today...urgh...

And you know I used to party hardcore style and come home in the wee small hours of the morning and still be coherent. Now I'm lucky if I'm still awake after like 1 or 2 am. And it's ridiculous because I used to be a complete night owl. How things change...it's actually kinda creepy. Because I still know I enjoy the night scene. It's just I don't think I can stay awake for it all. Or maybe I'm just really tired as of late and what I need is a good night's sleep on more than one occasion.

OK before I go. This is a big pet peeve for me. If your someone who is known in the media and you go to a night talk show like Letterman or Leno then I think you should dress nicely. I mean I'm not talking ball gowns or anything like that. I mean you can make a statement with the clothes you wear but does anyone want to necessarily make the statement that you don't look like you took a shower let alone picked an outfit that didn't look like you were rolling around in the dirt? C'mon now. I just want to be like, people...get with the program here. And I understand how some people don't want the attention because I've known people like that, but c'mon...your in that line of work because you like the attention. Sure you can change your mind but don't go making it out like you never seeked it in the beginning. After all you would never be an actor or actress or director or model had you not stepped into that world. (OK I'm stepping off this silly soapbox before I get too riled up.)

And I'm done for the day...

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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