2002-03-21 | 9:22 p.m.

I feel like I should be writing my own little Fight Club narrative: 'this is Joana's lung, every time she breathes I fuck her over with wheezing', 'this is Joana's nose - we've been blocked up for days...snotty people are we.'

Honestly I don't like to whine when I'm sick. I just like burrowing under the covers and being left alone. But right now I wish I could swap bodies. It feels as if everything is wrong physically. And I only wish I could burrow under the covers, but every time I've tried I've been coughing up a lung and lying down is no good because I feel as if my nose and breathing passage gets completely blocked. Thus I had a horrid night of lack of sleep last night. The drugs kicked in but didn't make me loopy and tired, thus not enabling my sleep what so ever.


It also doesn't help matters much when I upchuck my lunch today. There went my lovely meal that I wasted a little over $5 for. I might as well have shred the $5 bill in the shredder at work. But soda and water is staying down which is a good thing. Let's hope soon crackers and maybe soup will.

This isn't a delightful entry is it? Screw it, I'm sick - bite me.

Today on my slow ass walk home (and I say slow because I really just dragged myself home rather than speed walk like I do listening to some jumpin' tunes on my minidisc player.) Anyways...I wonder if I have enough substance to my soul? I know I have been sad before. Whether it was because of a person or a situation but I don't think anything or anyone has ever been capable to break my spirit. Let's hope that chance will never happen either because if it does I will so go carnival freak crazy on the person's ass. Then again it's not like it'll happen, I surround myself with the good stuff now a days.

Good news is that my boss was like "honey I'm giving you a sick day". So Friday I don't have to come into work. Which is fine since I didn't think I was going too anyways. The only frustrating part of my day will be waiting in endless lines for stupid citizenship papers that my dad can't pick up because I have to show my ID to pick them up and sign for them or something. *Grrr* Just what I need, its bad enough that I already feel delirious from the lack of sleep and just nauseated by any smell what so ever. Oh yeah - good times!

Well it looks like I'll be stopping here.

Later bizatches...

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