2003-04-21 | 2:11 p.m.

* I have decided to take my pudgy fatass and do something with myself. I guess I'm just tired of being in this skin I am now in. I am obese. I know it. I just need to get off my ass and do something about it. I think it's about bloody time as well. I'm not happy with how I look and feel. Recently I've noticed how I've gained weight when I should have lost it. So I'm not happy. And I'm going to finally start doing something about it rather tahn just be half assed about stuff like usual. Enough of the 'fat girl' stares from people, friends, and family. I'm going to change, it won't be an over night difference but it has to be done. And it will get done.

* Work is working me hard. But it's all good because it keeps me busy. I get so tired after, that lately I come home, eat dinner with the family and just crash. It's kind of embarrasing, but hey the more sleep I get the better it is for me the next day.

* In 9 months I will be financially free. I'd do a happy dance but what's the point you couldn't see it anyways.

* I'm hoping the weather picks up a bit. Having the sun out in the morning is a great thing compared to those winter days.

* I have a 4 day weekend coming up. After Wednesday - thanks to vacation time - I will be starting my weekend. Nothing but good times. I plan to sleep. I will possibly go out Thursday night for drinks with friends but mostly it's all about taking naps, relaxing, and just enjoying myself. Till then though - back to work!

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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