2004-03-30 | 8:52 a.m.

I'd like to say that after my first day at work I left smiling and quietly thanking the gods for a job. Sadly not the case. The first day came and went leaving me utterly sad. Literally I cried on my way home. And I hate admitting that because it makes me sound totally lame. But right about now I don't like my life let alone this stupid temp job.

I do hope though that something better comes my way while I'm at this job. I'd like to like my job. I don't want to feel like I do absolutely nothing or that everything I do feels wrong. So here's hoping I get something good soon. I could really use the break. Especially since I don't think that this job will last too long. (There really is nothing for me to do). Urgh.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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