2004-04-26 | 9:14 a.m.

My dad found out about my bill. Let's just say he is not a happy camper and neither am I. After he screamed at me, he told me he wasn't going to help me out. I wasn't expecting his help at all either. But he's like a fucking hawk on me now. Anything I do, everything I purchase he questions and say's something about. This makes my life a living hell. I hate being questioned about paying $10 for a movie, a drink, or hell even a bag. Much to my displeasure it will stay like this till I pay off the damn thing.

You can help me though. I started to sell stuff on eBay again. Come look at my auctions. And if you see anything that may take your fancy, please feel free to bid. Consider it helping me out BIG TIME

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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