2004-03-26 | 12:21 a.m.

I have an interview tomorrow in the afternoon with a Brazilian bank. I should be excited about it because it's the first interview I've had in a while. But here's the thing, my dad's aquaintenance is basically the top guy here in NYC for this bank. Which means I've seen him at many events with my parents that I've been dragged too and just in general, this guy is an ass and I don't like him. I also know that this bank won't be giving me benefits at all if they hire me and will pay the shittiest of salaries. So honestly I'm not that happy about this interview. Still it's an interview so I'm going to suck it up and just do my best. Let's face it I need $$ so the quicker I get a job (shitty as it may be) the quicker I get $$.

Urgh. Have I mentioned how much I hate my life lately?!

*Oh and p.s. crying on my way home because of stupid cramps needs to just stop. Suddenly I feel overtly emotional and it sucks big time. I'm so over myself already.

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