2000-03-20 | 05:40:10

Why am I not in bed, all snuggled up? I mean let's face it, right now it's a little after 5 AM. What is wrong with me?! I shouldn't be awake. I shouldn't be online. I should be horizontal and sleeping. Of course that won't happen at all today. Especially since this is my long day in school. I hate my long day, not because of my classes - because they are interesting, but because Monday is a day for just staying in. Who wants to be up early and head out so they can come back after 10PM on a Monday?

No one, I assure you.

But I'll be buried under the excess of this day. I have to present a demonstrative speech in a certain class also. And what do I pick to demonstrate? Ah yes because I'm a lush I pick how to teach the class how to make a "caipirinha". (One of Brazil's best kept secret's mind you). I guess I'm sort of a spy since I'm just dolling out this information. But hey, it's something really easy to make and I've made so many of them I could probably make them in my sleep. And since we have to bring visual aids, I'm bringing the finished potion, which only means that I doubt anyone will have a problem with it, being the speech.


Listening to some Madonna right now. But old school Madonna. When she was still plumpier and wearing those horribly 80's lace gloves and dancing around in barely nothing. This is the Madonna I love. Not that I don't love her now in all her soft light glory of today, but the Madonna of back then certainly kicked some tush. And if you look at her, well it's just funny how people change you know? Granted she is a savvy when it comes to her image and how to publicize on it, but still, she changed into so many levels. It was always magical though. Always with a gleam in her eye. She was cool. Hell she still is.

I don't go into work tomorrow because of school. I wish I did though. I don't want to go to my last class. I want to go to work and then go out after with A & E. Knowing me I will just go to class though and then see them on Tuesday. We sorta planned on me actually cutting class and going out. But because they are somewhat cornflake creatures I'll just stick to my regular programming. Hopefully on Tuesday or Wednesday before I leave for Eva Peron land I'll get a chance to go out with both of them.

I feel my eyes drooping so I'll take my chances and go lay down on my nice warm bed...

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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