2000-04-04 | 01:27:03

I was made aware tonight that someone I know actually reads this. Which I have to admit is kind of strange. Not that this person isn't a nice human being, which this individual is...it's just odd to know that there is a person out there who actually takes time to read through what's happening in my corner of the world. It's also quite daunting because then I begin to wonder if anyone else is.

Coming back to work today was both exhausting and good. It's really quite amazing what a few days away from work does to me. Well from work and from school. I'm not bogged down with everything so I relax more, which in turn only makes me a happier person. I think friends realized that about me today and took notice of it. Of course it could be my flippant attitude now a days. I simply don't care what happens and so I let fate take me into her arms and cast me wherever she wants me to be. A life filled with challenges and mystery has got to be more exciting and happier than the anal retentive one I was living before.

Tomorrow is A's birthday. I doubt I will be schlepping into work so I will probably miss any festivities that do occur during the night. I do kinda feel bad about that but at the same time if I don't get any sleep, and I mean a good couple of hours of sleep, I will be so jet lagged that I won't stand up straight. Of course knowing me I will probably go, because if I don't I will feel bad for missing her day. I know I sound pathetic, but hey I'm a good kid and I always remember when friends have their special days.

I also have an 8:30 AM class tomorrow! That just seems obscene to me - to be up at that time of the morning. Of course it does free up my day but usually all I want to do is crawl into bed and never climb out. Oh well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

He was very nice today. Not that he usually isn't, but it had been 10 days without actually seeing each other face to face. It felt good to get his hugs whenever I thought I wouldn't be getting one. He's just a damn nice guy. I can't believe he's my friend but I pray I never see the day when he walks away.

And now...now off to bed I go. Because it's too late and I have to be up at the buttcrack of dawn. Such is life...such is mango.

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