2000-04-26 | 04:21:12

I am so freakin tired!!

So far I've been to school, did the mad dash to work where I picked up my finds, and then met A and went shopping till work started. Was at work from 5 to 11pm and then went out for 'casual drinks' since a friend is leaving for good to LA.

The end of the night was interesting. A mix of memories, alcohol, and bitchfesting. (As usual).

Tomorrow I have this boring ass class at 11:30 AM. Oh joy! And then I get to run around like a chicken without it's head! I have to buy a blank video cassestte. I have to find my copy of 'The X Files' that I want to use in my video clip thing. I have to make the video clip thing of Ally McBeal & Dana Scully for my presentation for class. I have to buy a few more "girly" gifts for the sayonara present and then I have to rush to work. Oh and sort of make myself look somewhat girly as well since I will be stretching out my wings again tomorrow night and shaking my groove thang once again for the LA lady departure party. (Oh what a life I lead.)

My boss lent me his copy of the season finale of "The Soprano's". I can't believe I haven't seen the last episode yet. Sucks. Hopefully I'll fit it into my schedule tomorrow. It's actually pretty pointless. I mean I do know that one of the big boys dies already. I mean I know who already - so what's even the point? But when have I ever turned down anything related to mob movies? I love that crap. Hell 'Goodfellas' is still one of my favourite movies of all time.

I am so happy with my purchases today. I bought a skirt, 2 shirts, some girly make up (including my wonderful Burt's Bee's Wax Lip Balm - which I simply adore), and the cutest little t shirt. Another 'Emily' t-shirt to add to my growing collection. I can't help myself though. I just fucking love her t-shirts. They are twisted in a good way. I also got this hot pink bracelet thing. It's cute since it's made out of hot pink glitter. Very Wonder Woman bracelet. All I need now are her powers.


My knees feel weird. Like I've been crouching all day (and I haven't). I guess I should stretch a little bit before I go to bed. Try to regain some sort of balance. But I'm too fucking tired to reassemble myself into any yoga position right now. I guess I'll leave it for another day. I knwo I'm a fat ass.

Once again listening to Moby's "Play" before my head hits the pillow. I don't know what it is about this cd. But wow. It just friggen moves me. I can't listen to the last 2 tracks without being mesmerized. It's as if I'm stuck in a trance and I can't awaken from it till I hear those 2 tracks. It's crazy. I've never felt this way about this type of music.

Well it's getting late and my fat ass has to be up at the buttcrack of dawn so I'm saying bye bye Miss American Pie.

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