2000-05-08 | 18:57:59

OK so the thing not to do is panic. That's what's running in my head right now. If I don't panic then I will be able to do all of this and come out of it alive. If I do - then everything goes to hell in a handbasket.

Nice image huh?

If its not school it's life that's getting to me. I feel so out of place right now, like the world could spin off it's axis and I wouldn't feel he difference because I am so out of focus that anything within focus would automatically be rendered useless and fuzzy. Will shit get any better soon? I have no clue, and I wish I did because it would be a hella lot easier to divulge shit that's on my brain now if I knew I would get an answer or if I knew someone was listening.

Ain't life a bitch?!

But I'll stop the thoughts running around inside my head for the short moment so that I can play pretend in class right now. I'll act like everyone expects me to, like usual. I always do what they expect of me, whether it comes to family, friends, or hell even school. What a pathetic sight I am. I can't even commit to myself.


p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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