2000-05-17 | 02:17:33

What's that you ask? Oh that's just the sound of my heart beating fast. And you want to know why? Because I've finally finished all my exams. And when I say this I mean that I will never have to take anymore finals because this was my last semester in college! Yey for me.

Still doesn't mean school is over though. Tomorrow I have to be in a class and then all day in the lab hopefully developing my final prints. Then I have to show them to my photography teacher. And then its off to an art framing store where I get to frame my babies so they can be exposed in school. the only other thing I have to do is on the 22nd. But that will be fun. My last day of class for my contemporary images of women class is going to see a play. And since my friend is comign along with me it should be cool.

But I'm done with finals!!!! DONE BABY!!!!

Supposedly I go out on Thursday with the lush chain gang from work. But that only occurs if it doesn't rain. I really, and I mean really don't want it to rain. I want to go out with them and act stupid and happy because I've come through yet again another hurdle in my life. Of course if that doesn't pan out there is always the weekend where all my other school friends are planning to get stupid. But....I just really wanted to do it with my lush friends. Who knows though, it might not rain - weathermen have known to be wrong sometimes. And hey if its going to rain at least make it rain tomorrow and be sunny on Thursday.

This is when I wish I had a genie, just like in this past X File's episode. All I need is 3 wishes, materialistic as they may be.

I got a letter from school today telling me that I was nominated for an award at the Baccalaureate ceremony. I know I should be happy and impressed but I'm not at all. It's just another piece of paper if I do win. And I don't even know what I've been nominated for. With my luck it will probably be something like "Stupidest Girl in School."

(I have issues - go figuere.)

I want to wear my new skirt. It's so cute. It's sort of a leopard print and its A line and I know I'll look fierce wearing it, except this weather is getting chillier and well it's just not helping matters much. But whatever...I won't think about that now.

What I want to focus on now is sleep, and plenty of it till class tomorrow! On an off topic note, I discovered recently that friend of mine is in Greece with his girlfriend. I hope he is enjoying his time because god knows if I had the chance to go away again I would jump at it. But I'm pretty sure he's enjoying every minute of it, he's that type of guy.

And to end my wonderful schpiel I bought 2 magazines today, both with Angelina Jolie on their covers...yey!

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