2000-06-25 | 21:34:28

I suppose I shouldn't bitch and whine about the heat in the city since I had wished for it. Of course I also wished for the pool and the hot cabana boy but apparently all my wishes don't come true. You know being in hot weather is nice, I'm not complaining, its just that being in hot weather in a big city isn't so nice at all. I suppose I could of left for the weekend like so many of my friends had, but I really didn't feel like moving around this weekend. I wanted to stay put, for obvious reasons.

I feel sorry for pregnant women. I saw a few of them today, waddling across the street looking like a row of ducks. It can't be fun for them. I mean just think about it, you probably feel like you've swallowed a bowling ball and the heat is making you cranky...I would be a raving bitch if you ask me.

I'm supposed to go out tonight. Apparetnly this Sunday is a great night to go out. Truth be told I don't feel like doing much, other than sitting outside and having an ice cold drink while a breeze flutters by. Prefferably something that will run smoothly down my throat.

I've been buying a few clothes lately. I have to admit a lot of them are tragicly prissy. I think I'm leaving my childish ways and moving into this rich bitch kinda outlook. A part of me still wants to have some of the past funk but I like the new pants and shirts and dresses. I like looking normal.

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