2000-07-16 | 02:54:19

I am not infuriated anymore. I thought I should remain angry at this incident but to tell you the truth it really is just a little black spot and it can be wiped away if the situations turns ugly. It's not going to stop me in my tracks what so ever. It thinks it can but it doesn't own that much force within it to actually do so.

I refuse to go into it here and now because its so ridiculous that I would rather not waste my time doing so. I would rather state my enjoyable day.

I found this very cute black dress today. I wasn't going to buy it but I figuered what the hell - a girl can always use another little black dress. Its very cute. Its got a bit of a ruffle on the neckline and its just simple and sweet.

I also got myself the book I've been wanting to read,

'Normal Girl'. While perusing through Barnes and Nobles I actually saw something else that did catch my eye but I'm going to wait to finish this recent purchase before I go running back. I know that if I had actually bought both books I would just end up going back and forth with them and never end them. So it's a good thing I didn't. What REALLY caught my eye was this beautiful journal bound in black leather. It wasn't intricate at all, it was just so beautiful, and the leather felt like butter. I was in doubt if I should buy it or not since I put down my last one but I just don't want to complete that book. I want to start with something new and fresh. Something that will let me break free of chains from old papers. And so my hand was itching to buy it but I stopped myself. If I don't find anything else that might appease me I'll go back and buy it. It wasn't expensive at all which shocked me but still I won't go buying books that I'm not sure I can fill anymore.

I watched that silly comedy with Julia Roberts again. 'Notting Hill'. I actually first saw it with my mom in the movie theatre but tonight it was on and I thought, what the hell?! I had just woken up and I figuered a bit of sappy comedy would fit just right in that alotted time.

Last night I went with people from work and saw 'X Men'. I guess my co workers didn't enjoy it as much as I did. I guess it was just like the X Files movie. I loved the movie but understood that it would dissapoint X File fans. I guess the 'X Men' movie had the same results. It gave the unexpecting audience an overview but it took you into a cool storyline. I personally enjoyed it. Full of special effects and good actors (Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellan). I was satisfied. I'm not a big X Men comic book fan so that might be why I enjoyed it so much but still it was pretty good.

The next movie's I want to go see are 'Scarey Movie' and the one with Bruce Willis and that funny kid. Not sure what the name of that one is, but it still looks comical. I'm hoping when my funds come through once again I'll take a day off and go watch them. That or go after work, which might also be nice, go see a movie alone. I haven't done that in quite a while and I actually like going alone. I can sit anywhere and just enjoy myself without having the distraction of anyone else. But I'm going to wait for my funds to come in to see how I can work my way with them. Hopefully I'll get the chance to see them because I really do like going to the movies. It's fun and I get home at a decent hour and happy to have seen something for my money and not have it washed away in some watered down drink. I'm getting sick of that shit.

On another note could November get here any quicker? I hate the fact that I keep watching old X File reruns. Its buggering the hell out of me.

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