2000-08-21 | 04:52:31

This week will be one hell of a ride and thus leaving me no time to update jack shit. But hopefully everything will fall into place and things will change for the better. Once Sunday rolls around I should be free and able to update as I wish, which I shall.

I'm really ashamed to say this but I really like the movie, "10 Things I Hate About You". Yes I know its ridiculous and stupid and I shouldn't even comment on it but I really do. I like how the plot plays out and how silly and cheesy the movie really is. Although I have to admit I think some of the dialogue is rather witty and not as bad as everyone thinks it is. It's not Clueless at all. It's another breed of cheesy teen movie. It's one that I actually enjoyed. Give me this any day rather than any big boobed chicks running around in barely anything. This movie is cool and cute and me likes. But I'll shut up about it now. I don't want to become a total dork.

No wait I'm not a dork, I just have a different measuring spoon for it all.

I met a girlfriend of mine tonight. I ended up meeting her and this other friend of hers which annoys the hell out of me. I'm not sure why, she just appears to be too superficial in certain terms for me. Anyways they wanted to eat so I ended up walking with them to get sushi. They gorged themselves with california rolls while I quietly sipped my soda. I looked at them tonight and I realized how very young they are. How completely off the margin I feel to them. How sometimes I believe that no one really is on that level. Or maybe a lot of people are except they hide it for fear others will mock or hurt them in some form or manner. Still I felt strangely away from it all. As if I could of just stayed home and it wouldn't have made a difference.

The problem with me watching cheesy movies like the aformentioned one above is that I actually believe I'm going to find a boy, a man, who will fall for me. And seriously when does that happen? Its been forever since it has. and maybe I am just loseing hope. Still the well out there is incredibly dry and all I see is filter and fluff, no one who can make me smile or laugh and actually become interested in. Is it just me or do I find the fact that I can stay at hoem and read a book be more entertaining than actually have to deal with the drivel of men?


Tiem for bed. I need to sleep. Busy day tomorrow which leads into busy week which hopefully will then lead to a peacefull weekend where I will smile - at least once.

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