2000-09-28 | 17:05:12

Kill me. Kill me now.

I want to be home, in bed, cocooned in warmth with a happy smile on my face. Instead where am I? At work in a stuffy office with a pounding headache the size of a huge clump of rocks. Could it get any worse? Oh yes....how you may ask? A co worker doesn't shut the hell up and keeps humming the most annoying song and actually sings parts of the lyrics I so hate.

Yes kill me. Kill me now.

Anyways so I'm in hell and I think I should be here till about 5pm. Isn't that just incredibly special?! Now if only a miracle could ccur and the office would shut down well then I would be such a happy, happy girl.

I bought a few smashing twin sets today. Yes a girl always needs new clothes and these twin sets match my other wonderfully impressive outfits. So yey for me. What I need to get when I get my funds in order are some black boots. Only because the one's I have need to rest in peace and so I need to get some soon. I figure a pair to look nice and pretty for work and then some funky swanky one's for going out at night. Me loves my boots. Unfortunately I can't wear my old ratty docs to work. I'm not throwing them out though...they have a lot of memories to them an dthere's no way those babies are hauling ass on me. I won't let them.

I'm a little confused at the moment and currently seeking the help of a friend or two in certain situations. I'm hoping that the sense I have inside my head will be knocked back ina straight manner by someone else on the outside looking in. I don't know if that seems coherent or not but I'm gonna get a few party people to let me know if what I think I'm doing is okay or I'm nutty butty.

Once I get that done I think I won't have such mushy weird thoughts.

OK now back off to work I go.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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