2000-09-30 | 17:06:23

Goddamn I got up early today. I'm talking about 11 am here people. And thats something since I went out last night and partied it up and came home in the wee small hours of the morning, so hot damn I'm impressed. I guess waking up early each week for work does this to me. Doesn't really mean I've been doing anything at all because all I've been doing for the past 2 hours is watching the telly and reading my email and munching on some breakfast food.

I baked a cake Thursday. Well actually 2. One for this co worker of mine who loves chocolate cakes and the other for a lunch on Sunday that my mom is having. But I'm so thinking of going SWAT team formation on that cake right now and grabbing a slice. Of course I'll probably here nagging till the end of the day so maybe it's not worth it that much.

Last night was fun. I met up with A at the old job and from there we had a drinky poo and talked and laughed and then an hour later we met E at the 'shaft returns' establishment and partied it on up. It was cool though. I drank a little and danced a little and laughed a lot. It's funny how being away from both A & E is good and bad. Like it was so very cool last night and I'm sure we will meet up tonight also but at the same time its also fun to see the MAJOR difference there is between them and the crew I hang out with now. It's kinda trippy because they are so completely different. But it's all good. I had fun last night and I'm pretty sure I'll have fun tonight too.

Tonight I know I'm going out. I have no clue what I'm doing yet. There's this party I'm supposed to make an appearance at but I'm not sure if I really want to do that just yet. It's going to be another one of those parties and I'm not sure if I really want to put myself in that spot for tonight. Who knows though...things change so frequently with me now a days that I don't make plans what so ever.

I need to get going. I want to go get my hair trimmed and get my nails done. After all today is Saturday night and a girl has got to get herself primped for the night ahead. So that's what I'm off to do. You know since I'm a girlie girl and all.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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