2000-10-03 | 23:08:16

OK so the wheel is turning and the plan is set. Come Friday I will say ciao ciao to this crapola and start anew. I'll become the corporate anarchist I want to become and mend my own ways. After all that's what matters. If I'm not happy within myself how the fuck can I be happy with anything else?

I am seriously thinking of discontinuing my web page. Not because I don't love it. I do. I just think that right now I don't have enough time to fully dote on it like I want to. It's sad but I think that I may pick up my things and run. Not sure yet. If so I'll just stick with this cherry pie and update from anywhere. But I'm still thinking about this all so I'm not hammering down any possibilities.

One of my co workers had her baby last night or well this morning. (Whatever you consider 5 am to be.) She is now the proud mama of a 5 pound chickadee named Jasmine. I was going to go visit her today at the hospital with one of my other co workers but I had an important meeting to go to and I wasn't about to stop that flow just to see a new born. However shallow that may sound I'm planning and my planning has got to work so it means I have to be prepared.

Tonight is all about me resting. I've been doing too much lately and tonight all I want to do is take a nice bubble bath, eat, watch some telly and then sleep. Nothing glamourous at all, just a nice night with no interruptions of stress from any drama queens.

For now I have to keep thinking of good karma and how I need to exert these good vibes soon so that I can win these people over because I want to call it home. I want to be able to smile about it - like its my own little secret.

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