2000-10-09 | 23:17:23

Damn it's cold as hell outside today. Nippleitus weather to the extreme if you ask me. Ridiculous wind and I know its only going to get much worse. Which really does suck because I was so willing to spend some more days in sunshine. But alas no more. Good thing I have my brand new spanking leather coat and I look damn spiffy in it.

Had to go into work today and really it was just pointless of me to do so. I left work early - oh joy, yeah because those extra 2 hours are really going to make THAT much of a difference to me.

So nothing, and I mean nothing happened today at work. Hell the phone only rang like 3 times and that was it. I guess its a good thign the 2 bosses didn't even show up either because I spent a good time of the day on the net. And happily the hours flew by. Now if only that could be true tomorrow or any other day. Unfortuantely not likely. I'm always too busy to sit more than 5 mins alone with myself when the bosses are there. It's like if they see me stop to crack my knuckles they think I'm slacking. And as much as I love the fact that I get more money at this gig than Dante's Inferno, well its ridiculous. I feel totally burnt out. Next weekend I need a good dose of laughter and maybe a few drinks. I'm hoping I can find that, I'm sure it won't be that hard. After all I do know way too many lushes.

I finished my brothers birthday present and I am happy to say that its so going to make him laugh and feel good. I rock as a kid sister because the present is just a bunch of kick ass things that I know he'll enjoy. So yeah I rock for thinking of the whoel idea.

Thats it for now. Tonight I'm grabbign a bite to eat with the parental units and then snuggling up in bed and reading a little of my book before closing my eyes and hopefully, successfully sleeping. Because I definitely deserve sleep and I think I need it now more than ever.

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