2000-10-18 | 03:52:55

1. Bought my little 'Hello Kitty' thing, except it's not really 'Hello Kitty' - its more like a bad ass little penguin.

2. Never made it to the place where I would have gotten 100 bucks. My fucking work, and I say this with as much hatred as I can today, made me lose the appointment, thus making me lose 100 smackaroo's.

3. Can a fallen angel wear fangs, and bloody wrists?

4. I like my wig. It makes me think I'm someone else. I like that, I can play pretend as much as I want this way.

5. Is it odd that I have this strange fascination with the 'G String Divas' show on HBO? I mean its not like I like the titty and ass action, but for some reason I feel its like a car crash and I just have to slow down and get a glimpse everytime its on.

6. Friday night is going to be fun.

7. My Powder Puff Glitter will soon come to me via a friend who will ever so nicely get it for me since I purchased it near my old job and going all the way downtown is rather pointless when this person will be passing by. So cool. Me loves my glitter.

8. This week has been hellish so far. It's only Tuesday...well actually Wednesday now. But still we haven't even gone through the hump of the week yet. Damn!

9. I have to get more funds soon. Running low and that's never pretty.

10. My go go boots rock. Black and long and everytime I put them on I think I'm from some bad assed shaggadelic time and I'm putting them on to run and catch a bad guy and pout as I handcuff him and then let him know who's the boss for sure.

11. I still want to go see 'The Vagina Monologues'. I'm hoping to do this sometime before this century ends.

12. Parental units left the pad tonight for some sort of diplomatic soiree. I thank my lucky stars for not having to trudge to that crapola fest. I was very happy staying home, chilling with my brother, sipping something good and then ordering take out. Nothing like being lazy bastards for one night.

13. This means that tomorrow I either have to do my own nails or go to a salon. I'm thinking I'll do my own since people here at salons just really can't do nails the perfect Brasilian way - at least I do.

14. When will the 'X Files' start? I mean haven't I been tortured enough?

15. A little kid telling a grown man that he see's dead people gives me chills. An older man who is completely bananna's and falls in love with a FBI agent and has a mental masturbation session with her mind freaks the fuck out of me. But then who doesn't get freaked out by Sir Anthony Hopkin's face coming out of the shadows?!

16. I want the rain to stop and just go away. It's bothering with all my plans after work and it makes me beyond pissy.

17. Fred Durst...*drool*

18. I looked TOO retarded ordering a happy meal today. Must remember that bringing back a happy meal to work only entices my coworkers to poke fun.

19. Fuck the facial I mentioned a few days ago. I need a hottie with a naughty body caban boy who will give me a rub down, rub up - basically any rubbing will do.

20. Time for bed because I'm yawning.


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