2000-11-04 | 08:08:36

Hi can I be a Charlie's Angels?

I think I have mad skills to outsmart my opponents. I could stop them and try to explain to them my view on the X Files mytharc? I could make them pity me while I try to sing for them and then ka-boom I karate kung-fu chop them.

Really? I think I can kick some ass Charlie's Angel's style. (No stop looking at me like that - I don't want to try that tight white coat on...I promise I'll be good.)

Its times like these that I wished I lived in a movie. Or at least in a movie plot. This movie kicked hardcore ass. Yes there were moments where I thought I was watching a cheesy remake of the Matirx but still I loved this movie. I really did. I liked all the characters but I loved Bill Murrey. The man cracks me up even now! I think if I could be a Charlie's Angels it would be hard. I would probably be an amalgamom of the latest 3. I would definitely be the social retard that Cameron Diaz was. It'd try to be a total punk like Drew Barrymore and lastly I would love to be as vixeny as Lucy Lieu. The funny thing is that if I ever got a chance to write myself in I would probably be the dork of the whole film. Still I'm pretty sure that this movie must have been fun to make. Strenous but mad fun probably.

I should start working out more also. This film totally gave me the gas pedal function and now I want to cruise over to Equinox and take a couple classes. Of course I know the first 10 minutes I'd be pooped out but still I should make myself stronger.

It's amazing what a movie can do to me. I'm such a fucking marketing sucker, and its ridiculous. As for now I'm tired and I'm heading off to bed.

G'night Charlie...

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