2000-11-06 | 18:35:27

I'm sick and at home. I hate both of those things. Being sick is no trip to candyland and havign my mother call every fucking 5 minutes isn't pretty either. I'm seriously thinking of just taking the phone of the hook but that would seriously piss her off and that would just conjure up more nagging on her part and frankly I don't want that at all.

I have a few interviews set up this week. Hopefully somethign will pan out. I'm sick and tired of doing what I'm doing already. It's so painfully boring and annoying. Plus I am not being challenged and I don't want to go to Las Vegas and be worked to the bone on some stupid convention. Yes these things should have been stated weeks ago but frankly I've been too much of a chicken shit. And whats worst? I'm pretty sure I'm still going to have to go to Las Vegas anyways. Its at the end of this month and I know that even if I do get something I'm going to have to go and help out no matter what. Which seriously pisses me off. But I'm not gonna go there because I will get too pissy and I don't want to dredge up anymore sickness.

The X Files rocked last night. Good characterization, good script, and a WONDERFUL Gillian Anderson. I refuse to bable on about this since I spent a little too much time doing that yesterday with a friend but still it was a damn fine season premiere.

I want Peperidge Farm Milano cookies. Seriously. I have this weird craving right now and the only thing that will appease me are those cookies. I want them. I need them. And I shall be getting them myself because I have to walk for a bit. Can't stay caged up in my room all day.

On another note I emailed the kid and like I knew he wouldn't he never replied. I suppose I should give him a day to actually compose a reply of sorts but I know for sure that he doesn't have the balls to answer me. He apparently likes to shine so much that when someone tries to outlook past this shine its a no go. But whatever. I live and learn. This time I'm going to learn to shut up and not make the same mistake.

I updated my homepage and just re vamped the outlook to it all. I'm thinking it looks a hella lot better than the candy assed comic cutie in the index page. Now I have a trendy black and white image of a chica. I dunno. I just like it better. I also like the fact that I revamped the "F.A.Q" part because that looks so much better and the answers are well, more recent.

Anyways I'm bablign and I just want to go back to bed and lie down for a bit. I need to sleep and I need this headache to go away. So I'm hoping that if I close my eyes both will occur.


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