2000-11-09 | 03:55:39

That's it. I'm seriously sick. I actually dragged myself home today at around about like 3pm from work because I just couldn't take it. I've been sleeping on again and off again for the whole day. Nothing beats trying to relax when you have a running fever and your hot one minute and freezing cold the next. I feel so gross. Nothing makes me feel better right now and the sad thing is I just feel like crying in the corner. I've come to the point where I'm so sick and tired of this shit I feel like giving up and letting someone take care of me for a bit. And so I decided I will not struggle and I will stay home tomorrow from work. I will try to relax and hopefully by Friday I will feel much better.

I'm not throwing a pity party here. It's just that having my body ache all over is not a nice feeling so I just want it to go as far, far, far away as possible.

I need to do some shopping sometime this weekend. I definitely know I need to stop by Victoria's Secret (no get your mind out of the gutters people..I need more bra's). I also need to get a few other items which I hope to purchase when I start feeling better because enough of this crappy feeling like ass. I also have to stop cracking my knuckles. My hands have started to hurt a lot as of late and I think maybe cracking my knuckles all the time might have done the deed so to speak. So I'm trying to sit on my hands whenever I feel the urge.

I just have one thing to say before I end this mini broadcast of news. Milano cookies from Pepperidge Farms have got to be the best cookie I have had in a while. And I'm not talking about the plain jane one's with the chocolate in the middle. I'm talking about the 2 chocolate cookie parts with the chocolate inside. Those are delicious. But the best ones of all times are the so called "enrobed" ones because they are dipped in chocolate and sorta sealed that way. Oh my god everytime I take a bite of them I die. Really chocolate cookie goodness.

And off to bed I go.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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