2000-11-20 | 23:38:38

Yes I'm up shitcreek right now. I was supposed to go start work at yadda yadda. But apparently that is not to be because of a certain freeze on hiring new help. Well whoop de fucking doo. Now I'm unemployed and I really don't have much cash. I need to find something very soon. Like now. It's come to drastic measures. And there is no way I can go back to my old job because frankly I didn't like it to begin with and I am not going to be working like a slave for no over time. So fuck that. When I was told tonight, and I do mean tonight - like around an hour ago, as soon as I hung up the phone I just burst into tears. And I usually don't do that. It's just that I had so much expectation for this place and I really wanted to work there and be amongst that type of crowd that now I feel dejected completely. Like god has some sort of vendetta on me. I am seriously in a fucked up position right now. Seriously. There is no amount of crying that will make this better so tomorrow I will get up at the crack of dawn and work my ass off to get interviews and all that other shit. Because oh my god what the hell am I gonna do?!?!?!

I have no patience for writing in diaryland right now because all I can think of is how I am crumbling down right now and how I have no clue what the fuck I'm going to do with myself. Seriousl, what the fuck am I gonna do now?

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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