2000-11-24 | 04:39:37

I'm seriously thinking of trashing my so called 'official' website because I've just been a slacker and I don't feel like moving shit around anymore. Diaryland has made me a lazy fatass because this just seems so much easier than having to upload images and text and all that hoopla. This little portek just offers me the space to write and then presto there it is. It would be nice to image this baby but till now I haven't found that possible. Possibly because I'm a retard, but hopefully that won't last long. I'm planning on cracking that big fat book on html coding and doing some damage on this diaryland bad boy of mine. Oh yeah I can see myself making my templates looking purdy. Till then I'll stick with this same old shindig.

So things have been fairly slow because of Thanksgiving. Since I'm not American I don't really celebrate the holiday and it was just another day for me. Well another day where everyone and their mother did absolutely NOTHING. But I won't complain because god knows that if I was still working I would be loving the idea of having this holiday and just sleeping in late (which I did).

Tomorrow I have no definite plans and thats a good thing. The only thing I will hopefully end up doing is boozing and dancing in some seedy little hot spot. You know just drizzle the night away in a burst of bubbles and loud abrasive music. So hopefully that might eventually happen.

I do know that I can't spend that much money but I think if I use my enigmatic power I can score some free booze and shake my little bom bom for fun. Whatever happens I know that shits and giggles should ensue.

I have yet to find my MAC compact which pisses me off. Not that I don't have another one which I do. But that one's just powder and the one I lost is foundation plus powder. And I use that baby all the time. I miss it so my quest to find it is still at large. I'm hoping by the end of the day tomorrow it will pop up. Ahh the adventures I lead!

I need to get in bed. This weather isn't helping and I feel the need to nap. And the need is strong so therfore I'm outta here.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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