2000-12-07 | 08:04:16

Today's Day Entailed:

1. Interviews.

2. Doctor's appointment - *blargh*.

3. Eating big old lunch with dad at a place I'm ashamed to walk into let alone mention. (Yes I'm shallow like that - bite me.)

4. Purchasing my lipstick & lipliner (the one's I've had since friggen Club Monaco started making cosmetics) and being told that my purchases were the same used by Monica Lewinsky on some Barbara Waletrs interview - oh joy I now wear the same lipstick as some dumbfuck.

5. Going over to Fancy Shmancy's house where we watched 'Return to Me' and then 'American Pimp'.

6. Kozmo.com really does deliver in the amount of time they told Fancy Shmancy they would.

7. 'Return to Me' only makes me want to hump David Duchovny even more. Movie was completely useless in that cheesy way and yet that pouty mouth of his got to me everytime. I won't even mention how yummy he looked in his tight jeans.

8. 'American Pimp' has got to be the funniest thing I've ever seen. The lifestyles of a 'true' pimp and not a 'square' as we were told by the various pimps and their outrageous get ups.

9. Only had one meal today and I am still stuffed!

10. Fancy Schmancy's place is adorable. If I could I would jump at the chance to move into her pad when she leaves at the end of the year. It's exactly what I would be looking for. And its so cozy its disgusting!

11. Fancy Schmancy & I have a lot more in common than I thought we do. To bad for me that she's moving back home.


12. Wrapped both of the presents I'm giving to the lush duo. I might just surprise the female contender with some of her favourite libation if I get a chance, and I meet the fools.

13. It was fucking cold out today. I do not need or want this friggen ice weather and so I hope and wish that it goes far far away. I like the days when all I needed was a cardigan and that was it. When the nights were nice and mellow - damn winter time.

14. Bought Fancy Shmancy's present today at Bloomie's. I'm pretty sure she's going to love it.

15. I need to take antibiotics for a week. Which means I can't drink for a week. (Ask me if I'm pissed off about this?)

16. My room is teaking of perfume because I dropped a bottle and it shattered across the hardwood floors. I could open the windows a bit but then I would have to face the artic temperatures and having my nipples fall off.

17. When the fuck is Hannibal coming out in the movies? I've read the book as soon as it came out and since then I've been craving my Sir Anthony Hopkins fix.

18. I feel the need to see Sean Connery's new movie also. Looks very PG-13...but maybe it won't be that bad.

19. I'm getting tickets for the Daily Show with John Stewart if it friggen kills me goddamit! Let's hope I can get the ones for the date I want. Lets hope the guest I expect to be on will be on that date also.

20. Have to wake up at the butt crack of crazy for another interview tomorrow so I'm off. Peace.

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