2000-12-13 | 20:18:31

So far my day has been spent outside. Walking around in the freezing artic teperature. It's not fun but it has to be done. I need to find money soon. I was actually offered a position but its not something I'm immensly fond of. Granted it is a block away from my home but still. It's kinda boring. Plus I only start after Xmas I need money NOW! It's ridiculous. Really. Quite sick.

In the midst of chaos that is me trying to find a job I had lunch with kwazyboy at a diner. Interesting thing about it all there was a guy singing. Xmas tunes. Bad enough that I have no Xmas spirit what so ever but I have to be tormented while I try to defrost my fingers and eat. It was nice though. A different pace from what I'm used to so it was needed. Plus I haden't seen his mug in a while and it was nice. And the added chance of giving him his gift which I'm sure he enjoyed using in the artic temperatures aformentioned.

Now I'm home and thankfully up to now have no more interviews. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask for money from the parental units. Seriously. This blows but I can't do a damn thing about it until I start working again. I think I might temp till then. Maybe.

Anyways thats it for now. Not much excitement on the home front but this weekend has promising adventures at hand.

p r e v i o u s // n e x t

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