2000-12-21 | 18:00:23

You know I really want to see how far I'm going to ride this ride. Because right now it's pretty damn good, and life is working out on some levels. I'm using my gut rather than my mind. Which means everything is spontaneous. Things are flying around and I'm not stamping them down on the ground. Maybe this is the way to go. The way people don't expect me to be. But fuck that. I'm tired of their little narratives letting me know this or that. I'm just going to be me and do what I want to do. It's the only way to roll, and I think I've finally found my true nature.

I have a party on the 29th. I'm excited. Giddy even. Let's hope it's everything I hope it to be.

So I start a job on the 26th. It's not really what I want but I'm taking it for the moment. For some stability in the financial area. That means I'm still looking around for something. It means I'm not going to stop at this job because it's not my bag and I'm not gonna stay somewhere I know I will feel restless in what..4 minutes?

It's getting really cold in the damn city. Everyone I know wants a white christmas. I'm praying to whatever deighty there is for that not to happen. I like snow, but I hate grey or yellow snow - and that is the snow you find in NYC. Not the pretty white snow everyone thinks of. Then it turns into this horrible slush and its such a bitch and a half to cross the damn street in because it looks like just a puddle of it but it's deeper than you really thought of and you get soaked. It's not nice. Not nice at all. I just want to be warm. I wish some more heat would come by rather than this stupid cold wind. Ugh!

Well I have to get going. I have an interview with another dot com company. Let's hope my plot thickens and I get something amazing.

I'm outtie..

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