2000-12-26 | 08:58:34

Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings and all that hoopla...

I can't believe Christmas is finally over. It seems like things gave been flying by around me all these days before christmas and now...now I will return to the regularly scheduled programming. Well until new years when everything and everyone I know goes wild.

It's been a somewhat good season though and instead of me babbling on about what I got at christmas I'm going to list what I'm thankful for. (No it doesn't mean I'm not materialistic anymore, it just means I have the common sense to be thankful for what I do have.)

So here goes...

1. I'm thankful for my mom & dad who although nag and berate me to death at times, can also make sure that I understand they love me to death and will always stand by me.

2. I'm thankful for my brother, who thinks he's so 'money' that not even Vince Vaughn could beat him. That and instilling in me the love of money and the realization that it can bring me happiness.

3. I'm thankful for my grandma. She's a beautiful, religious little granny and I'm thankful for everyday she is alive and kicking with me on this earth.

4. I'm thankful for my family including cousins and uncles and aunts because they are all mad and make my family into a Fellini movie but I wouldn't have it any other way.

5. I'm thankful for my 'south american sisters'. We've known each other ever since our first year of college and we've all been through thick and thin but we all remain as close as possible. May all of our lives lead us into happiness and prosperity so that in the end we can say we did it our way.

6. I'm thankful for kwazyboy. The boy who has just as many mood swings as I do and who I can definitely say has been one of my most treasured tales.

7. I'm thankful for Krazy and Fancy Shmancy. They have given me a view into a world I can never forget and give up. Both have given me endless hours of merriment and I can only imagine the maddness and happiness they can still bestow onto me.

8. I'm thankful for the shelter over my head, the food on my plate, and the unconditional love I have.

9. I'm thankful for all the good and bad times I've had this year. They brought me both joy and pain but in the end I have learnt from them and become a stronger and more loving individual.

10. And lastly I'm thankful for everything and everybody that has made this year a special one for me. I hope that in the new year to come I find as much joy/pain/trust/hope/

as I did this year. Because only in growing do I become stronger - both mentally and physically.

I end, hoping that everyone I know is both thankful and happy at this time of year.

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