2000-12-28 | 21:00:34

It is just too damn cold today. Seriously. I need to be back in bed where I can burrow and fester and lounge around in the cozy warmness of my room. But damn, its only thursday which means I still have another day at work. Oh joy...

I have a party to go to tomorrow. It should be very interesting. I'm going to be meeting many new people, all of which I am sure will be absolutely smashing. If they are as good as they seem then things can only be entertaining. So I'm pretty excited about meeting them all. Hopefully all will go well.

On another note, I was told not to long ago that I am not a nice person. Well whoop de do! Like I care what said person thinks of me. Is it my fault that some people just can't "feel comfy" in different places? No. Is it my fault that I like to party and any festivities I do meander myself into I always dig? Nope. I can party anywhere, anytime, anyplace. If certain people are so upset with that well then it's a damn shame but I could care less. Seriously some people just need to grow up and get a fucking clue. If they feel bad about being in one spot then they can remove themselves. Does it mean that I have to? Hell no. Especially if I am enjoying the locale. Frankly I'm a little puzzeled. Ney, confused. Apparently if this person had a HUGE problem with said locale and I then they should have brought it up and not be so childish in never doing anything about it and then having the business end of a hissy fit. I have no more patience for that shit and I simply won't deal with it anymore. I suppose that is why I decided that not having this person around is hella better than having this person around. And seriously is this gonna stunt me in any way? HARDLY! So yeah I feel good about taking a stand and not hearing any bullshit. Because it is and was, bullshit. Right now I just don't have a filter for those games anymore. And I'm so glad I woke up to people like that. I don't need them or want them in my life so I'm glad I can get rid of them.

Yes that was my mini rant for the day. Felt like it had to be said. On to better topics...

I'm being anal retentive again and organizing my filofax. I had given it up this past year for my palm but I've realized I really like witing stuff down on paper. I feel like it's there and not in some intangible place in my palm. So I reorganized a lot of stuff last night. Tonight, as I trail into my lovely abode back from a few errands after work I will be typing up 2 index' I have for certain sectionsin teh filofax. Yes you heard me, typing. I'm soanal that instead of just writing it down I'm going to type it so it can be neater. (Could I be any more of a dork?) So yes I should be doing that later on tonight if Krazy doesn't call and entertain my head with thoughts fo madcap antics.

But who knows...I could always use a little more madness.

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