2001-01-21 | 19:18:47

I had a huge entry. And I'm talking huge. About movies and my night last night and all that pop and fizz. But what the hell happened? My computer froze for some insane reason and I had to turn the whole damn thing off! And that is so friggen wrong because I was done with my entry and all. But forget about it. I'll start from the beggining in number mode.

1. Saw Traffic and it was a strong movie to watch. Strong in the sense that for a Saturday night it was just too much to watch. I should of gone to see some fluff. But still it was very interesting to see how corrupt people and politics can be.

2. Saw What Women Want with my mom on Friday afternoon. Cute movie - great soundtrack. Definitely going to try and find that soundtrack at the bootleg guy when I walk to work in the mornings.

3. Will be going to see Miss Congeniality today at 4 with my mom. She wants to see the movie just as bad as I do. And I have to admit I am a Sandra Bullock fan along with a Candice Bergen fan. (I used to love Murphy Brown before I got hooked onto the The X Files.) So going to watch this movie will be fun.

4. Save the Last Dance will be saved for another day. Prefferably sometime this week after work since its so close to home.

5. Saturday night after the movie was just weak. Not because I was with V & M. Because they are my sisters and hanging out with them in a dumpster would still be fun. But the weather was just whack. Seriously. First it was raining and then all of a sudden when we get out of the movie theater its snowing a little. So we thought, fuck it lets go have one drink. We do and walk out of that establishment and oh my god the whole street is covered in white. And its falling heavily. So nasty. I hate snow here in NYC. So yeah Saturday night's weather just blew chunks if you ask me.

6. I am cutting of Miss Alcoholic. Seriously. She needs to learn she has a problem and she needs to back the fuck off because I am not going to stand for her bullshit. I never did and I'm not gonna start now. So I'm glad that I've dealt with that by just ignoring her. And people may think this is mean. But seriously its not. She's big trouble and if I continue to hang around with her I will get into just as much trouble as she gets into just by association. And there is no way in hell that thats happening. Seriously. I'm not going to let it get there so I'm taking myself out of the game. And I have no problem doing so.

7. My lip rouge from Stila has been discontinued. DISCONTINUED people...DISCONTINUED! That is so unfair that I won't even begin to explain how much. But I am now going to call every store imaginable to try to find it because that is my favourite color of all time. And any woman can understand that once they find their favourite lip color and it gets discontinued - well its a horrendous thing. So I must find it. I think if worst comes to worst I'll write to the Stila offices and beg them to send me 2 of them and let them knwo I'm willing to pay. Because that is fucked up if you ask me. Letting it get discontinued without any notice. That is just shitty. And by god I will find my lip rouge and I will buy at least 2 of them so I won't ever have to worry about it agaih. Damn Stila chick. Why did she do this to me? Why! *lol* No seriously its unfair but I'm going to make it my new quest and by god I will find at least one! Just watch me!

8. I'm already addicted to the stupid Real World/Road Rules challenge crap again. How pathetic. Can't wait for the new Real World which is now again in NYC.

9. I need to send Barbie's box. She doesn't expect it but its been sitting on my desk forever and I feel shitty for not mailing it. I will do so this week.

10. Here's the dealio, I am not going to drink anymore. This news flash occured to me the other night because, I don't really need it. I mean I waste money on those damn cosmo's and martini's and caipirinha's. So now I'm just gonna hook up with the soda. Maybe it will be healthier for me. And I'm thinking that after this pack is done I won't smoke any more. Because that is a horrid habit to have and lets face it smelling like an ashtray is nasty. So I'm gonna quit while I can and while I'm young. So after this pack I'm gonna try to cut down and cut back cold turkey. Hopefully that will work.

I need to get going. I have to run a few errands before I go to movieland and they won't get done if I keep sitting here and updateing.


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